Thursday 5 April 2012

Blogger of the Week - English Speech

Why Hitler’s Daughter is a good book to be studied by young people
By Dominique Willes

It all started on a rainy day in Australia, as part of a game played by mark and his friends. It was a storytelling game, and the four friends took turns weaving stories about fairies and mermaids and horses. But Anna's story was different this time: It was not a fairy tale or an adventure story. The story was about a young girl who lived during WW2. Her name was Heidi and she was Hitler’s daughter.

What's so important about this book that our teachers want us to study this it? Our teachers are definitely on the right track; this book is a great teaching resource and interests many young people why shouldn't it be studied by us students? By the end of this speech you will see the difference this book has brought upon you and why children must study this book.

Teachers must love this book from how much it teaches us. This book doesn't just teach us how to write  better language of our own but it also teaches us important lessons of our own like being different is ok and asking questions is good. Imagine life without asking questions. 4 year olds would die! We would be like robots and believe whatever people told us. In Mrs latter words, we wouldn't think. Even if asking questions can earn you an interesting reputation like one mark has.

 “Mr McDonald looked a bit nervous thought mark. Maybe he'd asked him too many questions lately, he sort mum and dad couldn't answer like ' how fast can god ride a bicycle ' and ' how did life begin' "

Without his book, how would you see Hitler? Probably through the worlds eyes. Hitler was either incredible or the worst person who ever lived.
“Then he didn’t love her,” Little Tracy's voice was very small. “Of course not,” said mark. “He was Hitler. I bet Hitler never loved anyone. “

By could you, would you see him through a child's eyes, would you see Hitler and say" that's Hitler, he loves me!" probably not. We need to learn to look at the world a different way.

Language skills are being needed more and more in high school with more writing and reading as well as a higher quality of work expected. Using this book will boost our knowledge and confidence in our writing skills. This author is one well known for her writing for younger audiences. Jackie French is talented at writing for young people so that's why young people should study one of her books.

Hitler’s daughter, a book that would excite young readers, catch a teacher’s eye and holds a class captivated. This book, one of the best teaching resources ever, a novel to read with a class used to create new improved English marks. This book will open our minds to the world around us. What other book is better to study than Hitler’s daughter by Jackie French.


  1. I'm so glad I finished it, I'm dreading speak out...

  2. You did us proud. Love Mum and Dad.
