Wednesday 11 July 2012


Hi 7J,

I hope you have been enjoying your holidays. Make sure you find time to rest as well as preparing for next term. I am excited to see how your picture books are coming along.

I have just returned from a holiday in Melbourne where I had the privilege of celebrating my Grandma's 80th birthday!
It was so lovely seeing how God has used her through the years and the impact she has had on so many people.

Looking forward to seeing you in just under two weeks.

Miss McLaughlin

PS Make sure you check out the picture Mrs Joyce posted of her little baby Oliver. So cute!


  1. happy birthday

    1. i wonder if we'll ever live that long kavita. now thats an interesting thought!

    2. i know i will what about u

  2. hey miss, i just noticed we havent had blogger or champ of the week since mrs j left. do you think we could start it up again when term 3 starts. (woah term 3 already! next thing you know we'll be unwrapping christmas presents!) :-)

  3. Hi Dom,
    I think blogger and champ of the week should definitely start again when term 3 starts. If I forget for some reason, can you please remind me?
    See you soon.
