Tuesday 18 September 2012

Persuasive Letter Writing: Clean up Mount Everest

Hi Year 7M,

This is the persuasive letter Jarrod Furey wrote in class. Well done Jarrod, thank you for sharing.

Miss McLaughlin

Dear Prime Minister,
My name is Herbert .D. Williamson, and I am writing this letter to inform you about the big piles of rubbish on Mount Everest.
The people of Nepal have told me that it is the tourists that have been leaving their rubbish upon the beautiful Mount Everest.
There is no one besides the Sherpa people cleaning up this rubbish and I think that you should ask the people if they can clean up the rubbish that they have spread over the mountain.
People have told me many times before that Mount Everest is the biggest trash pile in the world but we can stop that by just cleaning up the messes that the climbers have dropped.
If we can get people to go on an expedition up Mt. Everest, we could get them to clean on the way like Apa Sherpa. If this doesn’t happen and no one cleans Mt. Everest, the mountain will be entirely covered with rubbish in future years.
So, could you get some people to help clean Mt. Everest and some supervisors to look over Mt. Everest to make sure that it doesn’t become dirty ever again!
Yours sincerely,
Herbert Williamson.

1 comment:

  1. if only the nepalese government would get enough letters like this to make them do something
