Thursday 3 May 2012

Blogger of the week - The Red Tree

The Red Tree
Hi 7J bloggers this term we will be studying picture books and visual techniques one of the books we will be learning this term is The Red Tree by Shaun Tan. Shaun Tan was born in 1974. He has written various picture books including: The Red Tree, The Lost Thing and The Arrival. He has also worked as a Concept Artist for the movies Horton Hears A Who and WALL-E.
The Red Tree
The Red Tree is inspired by the impulse of children and adults alike to describe feelings using metaphor - monsters, storms, sunshine, and rainbows and so on.
There are many visual techniques we are learning but I will just name four of them
Colour- used to express emotion e.g. red generally being related to anger/danger
Facial expression-suggest state of mind or emotions being felt.
Framing – the way images are separated on the page.
Juxtaposition- positioning different images side by side e.g. a sun and a dark cloud

We hope to learn more about picture books and visual techniques JJJ
Thank you Mrs. Joyce

Thank you Kavita.


Shaun Tan website:

The Red Tree video clip:

1 comment:

  1. the red tree is a good book but abit depressing. his illustrations are amazing though.
